international insolvency partners


Provide counsel and assistance to individuals during corporate bankruptcies, including restructuring personal and business affairs, and handling personal guarantees.

Collaborate with corporate counsel to minimize liabilities for financially distressed corporations.

Assist corporate officials or in-house counsel in creating internal control guidelines for companies facing financial distress.

Identify and analyze risks in bankruptcy-related litigation.

Offer strategic guidance for insolvency and restructuring scenarios.

Negotiate with creditors both within and outside formal bankruptcy proceedings and assist in bankruptcy mediation.


Partner with other law firms to strengthen bankruptcy litigation teams.
Aid in litigation involving claw-back actions, preferences, fraudulent conveyances, and directors’ liability claims.
Help prepare and analyze bankruptcy appeals, including brief preparation and strategy development.
Handle creditor-related litigation within bankruptcy scenarios, including objections to claims and confirmation issues.
Work with financial advisors to analyze a business's financial position and develop turnaround strategies.
Collaborate with financial or legal advisors of clients with non-performing loans to achieve feasible workouts.
Assist in preparing Chapter 11 reorganization plans and developing litigation strategies for security valuation matters.
Help with litigation related to bankruptcy trustee or examiner appointments.
Aid in witness preparation, including analysis of expert testimony, for bankruptcy litigation.
Assist in effective discovery and trial preparation strategies for complex bankruptcy cases.
Support foreign representatives and their counsel in Chapter 15 cross-border insolvency proceedings, including asset recovery, fraudulent conveyance litigation, and creditor claims.
Assist creditors and their in-house counsel in presenting and litigating claims in Chapter 15 cross-border insolvency proceedings.